给 GPT 的 Prompts

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gopool.go // adjustWorkers adjusts the number of workers according to the number of tasks in the queue. func (p *goPool) adjustWorkers() { ticker := time.NewTicker(p.adjustInterval) defer ticker.Stop()
for range ticker.C {
    if len(p.taskQueue) > (p.maxWorkers-p.minWorkers)/2+p.minWorkers && len(p.workerStack) < p.maxWorkers {
        // Double the number of workers until it reaches the maximum
        newWorkers := min(len(p.workerStack)*2, p.maxWorkers) - len(p.workerStack)
        for i := 0; i < newWorkers; i++ {
            worker := newWorker()
            p.workers = append(p.workers, worker)
            p.workerStack = append(p.workerStack, len(p.workers)-1)
            worker.start(p, len(p.workers)-1)
    } else if len(p.taskQueue) < p.minWorkers && len(p.workerStack) > p.minWorkers {
        // Halve the number of workers until it reaches the minimum
        removeWorkers := max((len(p.workerStack)-p.minWorkers)/2, p.minWorkers)
        p.workers = p.workers[:len(p.workers)-removeWorkers]
        p.workerStack = p.workerStack[:len(p.workerStack)-removeWorkers]



  1. 扩容的逻辑应该改成taskQueue的长度超过了workerStack的75%,就尝试将workerStack成倍扩容,但是不超过maxWorkers;
  2. 缩容的逻辑应该改成taskQueue为空时,尝试将workerStack减半缩容,但是不小于minWorkers

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你的建议很好,我们应该根据 workerStack 的大小和 taskQueue 的长度来决定是否需要扩缩容。这样可以更好地根据任务的数量动态调整工作线程的数量。

以下是修改后的 adjustWorkers 函数:

// adjustWorkers adjusts the number of workers according to the number of tasks in the queue.
func (p *goPool) adjustWorkers() {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(p.adjustInterval)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    for range ticker.C {
        if len(p.taskQueue) > len(p.workerStack)*3/4 && len(p.workerStack) < p.maxWorkers {
            // Double the number of workers until it reaches the maximum
            newWorkers := min(len(p.workerStack)*2, p.maxWorkers) - len(p.workerStack)
            for i := 0; i < newWorkers; i++ {
                worker := newWorker()
                p.workers = append(p.workers, worker)
                p.workerStack = append(p.workerStack, len(p.workers)-1)
                worker.start(p, len(p.workers)-1)
        } else if len(p.taskQueue) == 0 && len(p.workerStack) > p.minWorkers {
            // Halve the number of workers until it reaches the minimum
            removeWorkers := max((len(p.workerStack)-p.minWorkers)/2, p.minWorkers)
            p.workers = p.workers[:len(p.workers)-removeWorkers]
            p.workerStack = p.workerStack[:len(p.workerStack)-removeWorkers]

这里,我们将扩容的条件从 len(p.taskQueue) > (p.maxWorkers-p.minWorkers)/2+p.minWorkers 改为 len(p.taskQueue) > len(p.workerStack)*3/4,表示当任务队列的长度超过当前工作线程数量的75%时,我们尝试扩容。

我们将缩容的条件从 len(p.taskQueue) < p.minWorkers 改为 len(p.taskQueue) == 0,表示当任务队列为空时,我们尝试缩容。